Why do I have to take history and social studies?

Why do I have to take history/social studies? That is a mantra that many of my students repeat, over and over. Of course, I tell them that those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it. I tell them that I am counting on them to become an educated person, so that they know the context of things, and the warning signs. With all that has been happening around the world in the past few weeks, months, and years, that historical context has become even more important.

There is a video circulating around FaceBook that really drives that point home. Save this post on your computer so that as you make your way through world history courses, you can use the video to help you visualize what happened over time. It is all connected. It all has implications. Never forget that.



About Kate Kresse

I love to write, I love to talk, I love to uplift people when I can. I am a woman in love with life. I am a wife, mom, tutor, writer, and I am a perennial optimist. (OK not every single minute but you get the point! :-)
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8 Responses to Why do I have to take history and social studies?

  1. Pingback: Why do we require students to take history/social studies? | Believe Anyway

  2. Joachim Boaz says:

    “Of course, I tell them that those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it” — this is something of a fallacy. There is something more intangible about the allure and impact of history — knowing ones past, the critical reading/thinking skills studying history develops, etc.

    • Kate Kresse says:

      believe me~ i tell them that, too. But I Know they are also hearing the other statement in many places in their culture (the destiny to repeat it statement).

  3. Really interesting stuff Kate!

  4. I was especially interested by how many times the Baltic countries faced change.

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